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Cirkulær Økonomi Furniture Days 2024

Circular economy

We aim to create circular activities that benefit society and future generations – and are easy to implement, scale, and measure

Ikon Circular
Focus on circular economy

We aim to contribute to improving the planet

Lifestyle and Design Cluster will contribute to a positive development to ensure that we leave planet Earth to future generations in a better state than we found it. 

Our activities must foster circular economy initiatives for the benefit of society and future generations. The activities must be easy to implement, scale up and measure.

Denmark’s economy is only 4% circular

Denmark’s consumption per capita is among the highest in the world. According to Circularity Gap Report Denmark, our economy is only 4% circular. 

Over-consumption is a key challenge in the transition to a circular economy.

The report mentions the lifestyle industry as an area that calls for improvement and efforts to achieve better utilisation of resources in Denmark. 

But new business models and ways of designing for a circular economy require deep interdisciplinary knowledge and expertise. 

In Lifestyle and Design Cluster we have chosen the transition to circularity as one of our focus areas. 

Planetary boundaries and the refuse principle

The planetary boundaries are nine environmental limits that, according to scientists, should not be transgressed if we are to prevent irreversible damage that will permanently impact the planet’s ecosystems.

Based on the planetary boundaries, Lifestyle and Design Cluster embraces the refuse principle under which over-consumption should be reduced and product lifecycles extended.

Skamler CFD 3

Fælles-projektet STOOL er et samarbejde mellem otte møbel- og designvirksomheder.

Steinmeier Circular Furniture Ar 169 Style Raw Personaliz 383A83c8 9943 48C6 99Ab 37C7a0a6134a

We want to support:

Reduction of over-consumption

Lifestyle and Design Cluster will initiate and facilitate innovative partnerships that contribute directly to:

  • limiting negative impacts on the environment and climate caused by greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity loss, water consumption, discharge of hazardous chemicals etc.
  • limiting energy consumption, resource extraction and waste generation.

New business models

To reduce consumption and maintain earnings, we need to rethink products and business models. Products must be designed for more than one life while still generating income.Insights from the new ways of developing products, businesses and systems can spark new, innovative solutions.

When businesses know more about their own supply chain, they are able to:

  • comply with future reporting requirements regarding transparency and traceability
  • identify any negative impact that can be minimised or eliminated.


Resilience is the ability to adjust and recover by re-using resources and minimising waste.

Businesses can improve their resilience to global challenges (caused by scarcity of supply, shifts in the global power balance etc.) by minimising resource consumption and understanding their own supply chain better. 

For businesses to build this resilience, new knowledge and new, innovative solutions are needed


Transition to circularity requires major changes and new thinking. This will create ample innovation opportunities for everyone in the cluster ecosystem.

Technological innovation

Technological innovation plays a key role in realising circular economy principles.

  • Blockchain technology enhances transparency and traceability in preparation for the coming digital product passport.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming our work methods and the jobs of the future.
  • Virtual technologies offer new platforms for collaboration and innovation enabling us to discover forward-looking ways of running a business.


Circular economy - a part of the strategy

Curated projects and news