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Nordic Blockchain Alliance

Six Nordic business clusters in the lifestyle industry want to create, connect, and increase knowledge and strategic competencies within digital product passports and blockchain technology. They stand together in a new Nordic Blockchain Alliance.

Blockchain technology offers the possibility of exchanging product and company data in a way that could be both cost-effective and safe for Nordic SMEs. A wide range of information can be carried in a blockchain, including data that documents product history, supply chain, environmental impact, compliance, contract details, and user instructions. The blockchain-based solutions can also facilitate circular business models and carry a future European Product Passport.

The project aims to create a Nordic blockchain alliance to explore the potential of a common Nordic blockchain by drawing on different experiences and knowledge sources from Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.

Project goals

The project will include a diverse range of lifestyle, creative companies, and start-ups to create and connect a strong knowledge pool across the Nordics regarding the potential of blockchain technology. Moreover, to analyze experiences and case stories and align this with the EU strategy for eco-design and the product passport. This will allow SMEs to access the information and knowledge to support their transition to a more traceable and transparent business.

Target groups

The target group is lifestyle companies that want to act proactively to meet upcoming challenges and possibilities from regulatory or customer demands on transparency and documentation. Moreover, companies that want to explore possible advantages of using blockchain technology to develop and deepen collaboration in a shared value chain. At last, the project wants to attract solution providers, start-ups, and scholars working with specific applications.


The following activities will be carried through during the project period:

Workpackage 1: Knowledge pool on Blockchain

Collecting known use cases and research to create and connect a strong knowledge pool on Blockchain.

Completing a first blockchain toolbox for SMEs, supporting them with knowhow on how to get a successful start utilizing blockchain technology

Nordic blockchain knowledge pool(5)


Workpackage 2: Exploring Nordic design blockchain

Conducting 4 x Roundtables with SMEs from all four countries exploring and discussing the potentials and barriers for a Nordic design blockchain

PresentationNordic blockchain findings_ NFTA PlussLab

FINAL REPORT Nordic Blockchain alliance – Potential for Nordic Design Blockchain






Workpackage 3: Blockchain and DPP in Fashion & Furniture






Attracting and inspiring more tech startups to give them insights into the Lifestyle industry and blockchain and to connect them to potential collaboration partners and customers

Science Park Borås_findings on Gina Trico case

DPP furniture case_Interior Cluster Sweden: 


Nordiskt blockchain-samarbete skapar spårbarhet för framtiden







Workpackage 4: ASK – The Nordic Way

17 brands showcase how the Nordic lifestyle industry is using new technology for transparency and traceability

Welcome to ‘Ask – The Nordic Way, a podcast about the visionary Nordic Lifestyle Industry, that dares to ask the tough questions, challenge the status quo, and go the extra mile to make sure that their supply chains are traceable and sustainable.

In this podcast you’ll meet a variety of Nordic design brands, all of whom are on a mission: to amplify transparency, traceability, and sustainability.

This is your invitation to join the conversation.


Watch the debate: Can traceability increase export of furniture & design?

Project partners:

The project is finansed by:


 Can we flip the burden of future compliance and use it as a competitive advantage?

In the Nordic Blockchain Alliance we believe so and we are working towards a stronger collaboration across the Nordics.
At this roundtable we hope to inspire people from the fashion-, furniture- & design industry as well as tech providers and opinion leaders on how we can collaborate. We will also present cases that  already work with this when it comes to data and transparency.

We will explore Nordic cases from the newly launch Nordic Knowledge pool. Deloitte will share the latest research on the topic ‘Can digital trust increase export’.  Copenhagen Business School will share a possible model for a Nordic digital collaboration.

We look forward to an insightful day together with a great networking lunch in beautiful surroundings!

RSVP by 20th June using this link

Leading the transition to a circular textile & fashion industry

  • When: April 26 2023
  • Where: Borås, Sweden

Innovation, collaboration, and… patience!

On 26 April, more than 160 participants gathered at the Textile Fashion Center to discuss the most pressing issue in the textile and fashion industry: the transition to a more sustainable and circular future. The conference was organized by Textile & Fashion 2030 together with BioInnovation’s research program Circular Textile Innovations (CITEX) and the Nordic Blockchain Alliance. It attracted guests from all over Europe, as well as some 50 digital participants. Lena-Marie Jensen, project manager for the conference at Textile & Fashion 2030 shares that “We in the organizing team wanted to inspire and instill hope that things are happening, to show that the Swedish textile and fashion industry is at the forefront of the transformation to a circular, bio-based society. I think we succeeded very well in that intention.”

Digital Pasport Conference

  • When: April 25
  • Where: Oslo, Norway

NF&TA are pleased to welcome you to join the Digital Product Passport conference on the 25th of April in Oslo.

They have invited stakeholders to share insights regarding the regulatory framework under development in the EU, and to present business cases working with the implementation of digital product passport technologies.

The program is based on content documented in a guide for the introduction of digital product passports under the auspices of NF&TA. The project is supported by Viken fylkeskommune.

Udbud – video- og digital kampagne

Til projektsamarbejdet Nordic Blockchain Alliance søger vi leverandør, der kan producere fire video-cases og en digital kampagne.     

De fire video-cases skal inspirere og motivere mode-, møbel- og design-branchen til at anvende teknologi til sporbarhed, transparens og til at skabe øget konkurrence kraft.   

Videoerne skal være på engelsk og med danske undertekster. Varighed 2-3min pr. video.   

Lifestyle & Design Cluster kan etablere kontakten med relevante case-virksomheder/-personer, mens ansvaret for projektstyringen og produktionen ligger hos udbudsvinderen.    

Tidsramme: To videoer i september og to i november. 

Send et tilbud til Heidi@ldcluster.com senest 28. juni 2023  


Læs mere om projektet HER 

Project partners:

The project is finansed by:

Contact information – Lifestyle & Design Cluster

Frederik Thrane
Project leader, Circular Economy
Phone: +45 53867007
E-mail: frederik@ldcluster.com

Further contact information:

Nordic Innovation: www.nordicinnovation.org
Peter Munch-Madsen, peter.munch-madsen@nordicinnovation.org

Finnish Textile & Fashion: www.stjm.fi
Marja-Liisa Niinikoski, marja-liisa.niinikoski@stjm.fi
Emilie Gädda, emilia.gadda@stjm.fi

Norwegian Fashion & Textile Agenda (NF&TA): www.nfta.no
Elin Kathrine Saunes, elin@nfta.no
Gupta Udatha gupta@nfta.no

Interiour Cluster Sweden www.interiorcluster.se
Anna Rosenqvist, anna.rosenqvist@interiorcluster.se
Science Park Borås, Jonas Larsson, Jonas.Larsson@hb.se

PlussLab: www.plusslab.no
Anita Drabløs, PlussLab, acd@plusslab.no


Birk Centerpark 38
7400 Herning, Denmark
Ph.: +45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
> Directions

Headstart Fashion HOUSE
Mindet 4
8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Ph.: +45 2420 7207
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
Office in BLOXHUB
Frederiksholms Kanal 30 A5, 1. sal
1220 København K, Denmark
Ph.:+45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
> Directions

Lifestyle Lab CPH
Bredgade 66
1260 København
Ph.: +45 2276 7990
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com

Lifestyle & Design Cluster
Lifestyle & design cluster is supported by:

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