Closing Loops
Together for circular solutions
Together for circular solutions
TOGETHER ACROSS INDUSTRIES AND VALUE CHAINS. This is the essence of Closing Loops, which has as its objective to promote small and medium-sized enterprises’ circular economy efforts in the value chains.
The programme is the biggest circular economy effort in Denmark and very concrete: Within three years we must significantly reduce CO2 and tonnage in the value chains.
Small and medium-sized enterprises get tools and networks for implementing circular business models.
Working closely with your own and other industries, businesses and value chains and in interaction with regions and knowledge institutions, you and your colleagues will implement and scale concrete circular solutions.
“The most effective way for companies to transition from linear to circular business models is by collaborating within their value chains. ”
Danmark er blandt de lande i verden, der er dårligst til cirkulær økonomi – kun 4% af vores forbrug kan relateres hertil.
Nogle brancher er særligt klimabelastende, og Closing Loops fokuserer derfor på byggeri, miljøteknologi, tekstil, møbler, fødevarer og bioressourcer.
I programmet inspirerer virksomheder hinanden på tværs og undersøger, om de kan hjælpes ad med at reducere affald og skabe nye forretningsmuligheder, så det, der er affald ét sted, kan blive en ressource et andet sted.
Målet er at bidrage til at omstille Danmark til en cirkulær og ressourceeffektiv økonomi ved at eksekvere en stærk og effektfuld portefølje af værdikædesamarbejder. Samlet skal indsatsen give et markant bidrag til reduktion af virksomheders ressourceforbrug og affaldsmængder.
Samtidig viser programmet vejen for både danske og internationale aktører til at gøre lignende tiltag.
Ambitionen er at være en vigtig bidragsyder til, at Danmark opnår en bedre cirkulær omstilling og opnår de opstillede klimamål for 2030.
Læs mere om værdikædesamarbejder:
More than 200 small and medium-sized enterprises will be part of Closing Loops in the programme period (2023-2026).
Read more about some of the current value chain partnerships and the participating
Read about the acitivities in the value chains
You have two options:
· Value chain check: https://www.closingloops.dk/oevrige-aktiviteter/vaerdikaede-tjek
· Value chain collaboration: https://closingloops.dk/oevrige-aktiviteter/vaerdikaedesamarbejde-pulje2/
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Closing loops is co-financed by the EU and the Danish Board of Business Development.
The programme comprises the following industries: fashion and textiles, food and bioresources, building and construction and water and the environment.