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Cross Sectoral Collaboration

We engage a bigger portion of the Danish fashion and textile industry in pursuing common circularity goals by 2030.


About the sector collaboration

In August 2022, the then Danish minister for the environment Lea Vermelin, announced the launch of a sector collaboration between the ministry, ten businesses and three organisations. The object was to engage a bigger portion of the Danish fashion and textile industry in pursuing common circularity goals by 2030. Today, the initiative has grown to comprise around 60 businesses and new participants are joining.

What you get
  • Be at the forefront of legislation
  • Get insight in the textile agenda
  • "Participate in knowledge sharing and experience exchange
Benefits for your business

The fashion and textile industry is facing growing requirements

The fashion and textile industry is faced with growing requirements for clothing and textile products and future legislation is expected to impose greater responsibility for circular design and materials on the manufacturers. By participating in the sector collaboration, Danish fashion and textile businesses can be abreast of these new requirements and gain insight into the textile agenda. They can also share knowledge and experience to ensure common progress and action. 









From Press Release "The textile industry is making progress on the circular goals."

“"Recycling of textile fibres is one of the areas where the signatories in the sector collaboration have achieved the most remarkable results.”

Partcipate in the cross sectoral collaboration

All Danish fashion and textile businesses are invited to participate in the sector collaboration.

Participants undertake to collect and share data in relation to the specific goals of the sector collaboration and to deliver reliable data on their progress. These data are necessary to monitor progress towards the specified goals and to evaluate the efficiency of the strategies implemented. 

Only by collecting data can we stay up to date on whether we are on the right track towards achieving our goals. The businesses undertake to collect and share data in relation to the specific goals of the sector collaboration. 

The following businesses are participating in late 2024.


Goals for the collaboration

The collaboration has set three goals based on international circular economy principles:  

  1. Increased revenue from reselling:

A larger portion of revenue from Denmark’s clothing sector will come from reselling, and clothes must be used for as long as possible. 

  1. Common circular design requirements:

Establishment of common circular design criteria to ensure that clothing from Danish businesses is designed to last longer and can be integrated into optimal circular loops. These design requirements are created for use by small and large businesses alike.

  1. Obligation to use recycled materials:

By 2030 all clothing and textiles from Danish manufacturers will include at least 40% recycled material, of which 10% must come directly from textile fibres. This obligation is in accordance with the EU’s textile strategy, in particular in respect of the use of PET approved for food contact. The percentage of recycled materials is calculated as an average for each business. 


Nümph A/S
Less. Fashion
Les Deux
hummel A/S
Durable Journey ApS
Birger Christensen collective
that's Mine Aps
Blå Kors Genbrug
Spejder Sport A/S - Styregruppe
Luxkids Aps
Dansk Wilton - Styregruppe
Green Cotton - Styregruppe
Ganni - Styregruppe
Mammut Hoffmann
Jysk - Styregruppe
DK-Company - Styregruppe
Salling Group - Styregruppe
Bestseller - Styregruppe
Aiayu - Styregruppe
By Malene Birger
Sports Group Denmark
Magasin Du Nord
Our Units
Røde Kors
Esmé Studios ApS
Soft Rebels ApS
Kirkens Korshær
Soyaconcept a/s
Hansen Textile ApS
Nybo Workwear A/S
Pure Cashmere ApS
Textile Pioneers ApS
UniformPartner DK A/S
Gabriel A/S
Mascot International A/S

create2STAY ApS

Work groups focus on three specific goals

Three working groups have been appointed to work on the goals. These groups play a key role in defining the goals more precisely, improving recycling solutions and circular business models, establishing common design principles and sharing solutions for recycled materials. 

The sector collaboration’s action plan towards 2030

The sector collaboration follows an action plan containing the three main goals and associated sub-goals. The plan is updated and adjusted regularly to ensure compliance with legislative developments.

The steering group: (August 2024)


Maria Glæsel, Aiayu (chair)

Thomas Klausen, Dansk Mode & Textil

Marie Mustelin, Danish Chamber of Commerce, WEAR

Jacob Gullak Andersen, Confederation of Danish Industry

Betina Simonsen, Lifestyle & Design Cluster

Dorte Rye Olsen, Bestseller

Jens Obel, DK-Company

Jette Radich, Salling Group

Laurits Vestergaard, JYSK

Søren Sonne, Dansk Wilton

Helle Nybo Holmberg, Nybo Workwear A/S

Mads Aarøe Mathiesen, Trendsales

Sanne Nørgaard, Green Cotton

Thomas Vangsgaard, Spejdersport

Plus representatives of the Danish Ministry of the Environment’s department and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.


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