Fashion, design, innovation
Danish fashion and lifestyle businesses and design talents from four educational institutions work together on half-yearly themes for 18 months
Danish fashion and lifestyle businesses and design talents from four educational institutions work together on half-yearly themes for 18 months
Danish fashion and lifestyle businesses and design talents from four educational institutions work together on half-yearly themes for 18 months: “User and market”, “Circular strategies in the value chain” and “Product development and collection strategy”.
Each theme starts with joint kickoff before the project work begins. The results of the collaboration are shown at public exhibitions during the Copenhagen fashion weeks.
The purpose is to develop new knowledge and suggest solutions within the above-mentioned themes, based on a circular, holistic approach.
The project is structured around sub-goals facilitating overall progress and it results in systemic, strategic and product-oriented design solutions.
Participating businesses are expected to contribute 75 working hours equally distributed over the project’s 18 months for:
The design talents are paid for participating and a workload of 10-15 hours per month/50 hours per half-year is expected to be spent on: