Seek knowledge, explore and be inspired by the universe of materials
Seek knowledge, explore and be inspired by the universe of materials
Seek knowledge, explore and be inspired by the universe of materials. Materials Hub is a collaboration between research and educational institutions, leading businesses specialising in materials, people with relevant specialist competence in the field of materials and Lifestyle & Design Cluster’s knowledge partners.
Materials Hub serves as a platform and meeting place for businesses and knowledge institutions focusing on materials. The hub gives you knowledge about new and known materials for new applications or as innovation drivers of sustainable development.
“Materiale Hub creates new opportunities for knowledge sharing and collaboration on sustainable materials – from traditional to innovative solutions. ”
Materials Hub is based on the Royal Danish Academy’s Material Lab in Copenhagen. The Royal Danish Academy’s collection of materials represents a broad palette of traditional and innovative materials from Danish and foreign businesses. The collection is continually updated and includes textiles, wood, metal, ceramics, composites, natural stone, plastics and much more.
Focus is placed on knowledge sharing – both via direct access to the knowledge institutions’ materials collections and via workshops and seminars organised with either a broad focus or based on specific materials challenges faced by a business.
The Materials Hub collaboration also opens up opportunities for new partnerships and development potentials between knowledge institutions, businesses and trades with a focus on materials as well as producers, suppliers etc.
The Materials Hub increases businesses’ knowledge and awareness of technologies and of traditional and new materials. The Hub is also a path for businesses to expand their network and widen their awareness of research institutions and materials manufacturers. This paves the way for a more sustainable approach to materials.