Companies, in collaboration with research institutions, will test and implement new circular business models
Companies, in collaboration with research institutions, will test and implement new circular business models
European furniture companies will - via 9 different piloting projects- test guidelines and tools and develop and implement new circular business models- which means all materials targeting the whole industry have been tested in real life.
This means you will get well tested and specifically targeted help and guidlines to proactively make the digital product passport a competitive advantage and to identify new circular business models that fit your company.
You will get guides for secure and circular choices of biobased or recycled materials.
The European furniture industry, with an estimated production value of €107 billion in 2022 and 1 million jobs across 120,000 companies, consists largely of SMEs. These SMEs are already facing challenges such as rising costs of raw materials, energy, and logistics. Additionally, they must adapt to the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) and the introduction of the Digital Product Passport.
Although the industry is generally focused on circular economy and sustainability, many SMEs require systematic support to navigate these changes, implement the necessary innovations, and thereby strengthen their competitiveness and circularity.
IFZ - Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture
H-DA - University Darmstadt, Research Group SOFIA
POLIMI - Politecnico di Milano, Department of Design, Design+Strategies
WI - Wuppertal Institute
ALPLES, Slovenia
Ehrmann, Germany
Forma 5, Spain
LAGO, Italy
Stykka, Denmark
TAKT, Denmark
Industry Associations and Clusters
FLA – Federlegno Arredo
EFIC - European Furniture Industries Confederation
LDC - Lifestyle and Design Cluster
IBA - German Business Interior Association (Industrieverband Büro und Arbeitswelt e. V.)
VDM - The Association of the German Furniture Industry (Verband der Deutschen Möbelindustrie)
CLA - Cluster Legno, Arredo e Sistema Casa
dID - Interior and Design District (Distretto Interni Design)
R-evolve is a Horizon Europe project and is co-financed by the European Union under Topic: HORIZON-CL6-2024-CircBio-01-3 - Innovative Circular Solutions for Furniture, with funding of 37,689,561 DKK over four years.
R-evolve received 15 out of 15 points, making it one of only two projects granted funding.