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Recycled Materials

Two tracks. One focuses on recycled materials for textiles and clothing and the other on recycled materials for furniture and product design.


Recycled Materials

The project "Recycled Materials" is divided into two tracks. The two tracks’ starting point and focus are generally the same, with only a few adjustments needed to cater for the materials, functions and properties of different product groups.

One track focuses on recycled materials for textiles and clothing and the other on recycled materials for furniture and product design.

We will examine
  • What recycled materials are
  • How recycled materials can be used
  • What knowledge is available in a section of the fashion and lifestyle industry
  • Which expertise the industry needs
Benefits for your business

Innovation focusing on impact

In 2024, the knowledge developed about recycled materials will be tested in innovation processes based on a range of cases from businesses. The innovation processes will include workshops based on the knowledge gained. At the end of the project the findings will be translated into concrete recommendations on processes and the choice of materials.

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Get new knowledge about recycled materials

The project is driven by curiosity about where there may be disparity or a close match between the opportunities and challenges found within product groups that were created from very different materials and have functions that may not be comparable.

We are looking for businesses in the fashion and lifestyle industry in search of new knowledge about recycled materials.

Participant requirements

As a partner business you will:

  • Participate in interviews and workshops
  • Be a sparring partner and active participant in completing the project
  • Provide input to solving problems
  • Contribute to disseminating knowledge
  • Participate in evaluations


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