Spin-In for Sustainability
Gain fresh perspectives on sustainability with the help of talented students and graduates – and strengthen your company’s sustainable agenda
Gain fresh perspectives on sustainability with the help of talented students and graduates – and strengthen your company’s sustainable agenda
Based on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), interdisciplinary teams of students collaborate to tackle a concrete and current sustainability challenge within the design and lifestyle industry.
This project is designed for companies in the lifestyle and design industry that want to address a specific and current sustainability challenge or further develop their sustainability agenda.
Through SPIN-IN for Sustainability, companies with clearly defined sustainability challenges are matched with a dedicated interdisciplinary talent team consisting of international master’s students and recent graduates.
“"With a focus on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, interdisciplinary talent teams help design and lifestyle companies tackle pressing sustainability challenges and strengthen their green agenda."”
The challenges are rooted in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and take place in two formats:
The project has been running since 2019, successfully completing five years of sprints with 30+ Danish companies and 100+ Danish and international students. While sustainability has been the primary focus, the project is now also exploring challenges related to digitalisation and circularity.
SPIN-IN for Sustainability has been conceptualised, developed, and tested through a collaboration between:
SPIN-IN-virksomheden lægger hus til, betaler for teamets rejser, forplejning og evt. ophold. Læs vores guide for mere information.
Hvis du er dagpengeberettiget: Jobcentrene ser umiddelbart meget positivt på deltagelse i SPIN-IN, men du opfordres til både at kontakte din A-kasse og din rådgiver i jobcentret – og af den vej få afklaret, om du kan deltage.
As part of the SPIN-IN for Sustainability initiative, three students – Barbora Banacka, Paula Bonea, and Tiia Jaakkola – developed a project for Midtvask, the regional laundry service for hospitals. They proposed new design elements for uniforms, enabling Midtvask to replace specific parts, thereby extending the uniforms’ lifespan and reducing waste. Some of these designs will be included in the new call for 2024.
As part of SPIN-IN for Sustainability, four students – Franziska Garms, Freja Hørberg, Albina Mrazova, and Heidi Wittemann – explored challenges faced by the furniture platform Reevela. According to Reveela’s CEO, Lee Chamberlain, the students provided highly valuable insights.