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The Movers' Network

The Movers’ network is for upcoming lifestyle businesses who want professional inspiration and to network with other startups


Networking and inspiration

The Movers’ network was established to remedy the ongoing challenges facing upcoming lifestyle businesses. A natural benefit of being part of an established network is the opportunity to share experiences. As a member you have a say in which subjects and problems should be discussed. The meetings are held at lifestyle businesses or Headstart Fashion HOUSE in Aarhus.
Movers meetings are held four times a year.

What you get out og Movers'
  • Networking in the industry
  • Professional inspiration
  • Influence on the choice of themes
Faglig Inspiration Movers Netvaerk

Netvaerk Opstartsvirksomheder Aarhus

Netvaerk Opstartsvirksomheder Aarhus Movers

Movers Netvaerk Livsstilsvirksomheder

Benefits from sharing experiences

The Movers’ network was established to remedy the ongoing challenges facing upcoming lifestyle businesses. A natural benefit of being part of an established network is the opportunity to share experiences. As a member you have a say in which subjects and problems should be discussed. The meetings are held at lifestyle businesses or Headstart Fashion HOUSE in Aarhus.
Movers meetings are held four times a year.

Membership fee

DKK 1.000 yearly


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