Aim of the project
This project aims to help the Danish textile industry on the promise of sustainability, by addressing the crux of the problem – sourcing and production which has a not-sustainable environmental impact. In addition to extensive area usage and huge CO2 emissions, the textile value chain affects water consumption, waste and chemical emissions. The change needed requires disruptive innovation across the value chain in the form of new materials, technologies, and circular practices. This again requires a Multi-stakeholder approach – bringing together a helix of research, technology, textile producers and public endorsement and regulation. We are building towards a long-term partnership with the Indian textile industry and Danish brands where circularity in various ways can flourish.
India is a key market for Danish textile production and imports, accounting for DKK 2,4 bn of imports in 2021. It is an opportune time to build an Indo-Danish project, that brings together the textile and technology ecosystems from both countries, because of the Green Strategic Partnership between India and Denmark, which is focused on collaboration across several facets of sustainability. Since 2019 Denmark and India has in an Action Plan established ground for much closer collaborations within design, textile handicraft, music and several technological segments as for example water.
Target audience
Danish SMEs and big brands within the fashion and textile industry who want to make circular initiatives with their current Indian collaborators or wish to start Indian production in the future with a circular approach.
About the partners
The Lifestyle and Design Cluster, Innovation Centre Denmark, Circular Apparel Innovation Factory and Dansk Industri have been granted the ‘Partnerskabsprojekt’ from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. This grant enable the partners to bring in key academia and research stakeholders to create a diverse group well equipped to address the collaboration in green transition between India and Denmark.
By bringing on board Aalborg University (AAU business school) and the National Institute of Design (NID) the application aims to strengthen the research collaborations across the sectors of textile waste, new materials and circularity practises and channel them into the interactions with industry and innovators.
To establish a strategic collaboration between Danish textile and fashion brands and Indian producers in order to develop a more circular and regenerative textile value chain
Primary focus is on MSMEs and meeting their need for a ‘shared governance’ model that offers overview, knowledge, matchmaking, and risk reduction
Gabriella Constantinou
Project Manager, Internationalization & Circular Textiles
Phone: +4520222605
Tidligere events
Indo-Danish Green Textiles Project inviterer dig til netværksarrangement på Tekstilmuseet i Herning d. 22. juni. kl. 18.00.
Du vil have fornøjelsen af at møde en indisk delegation med repræsentanter fra den indiske tekstilindustri. Besøget er en aktivitet i Indo-Danish Green Textiles Project hvor samarbejde og vidensdeling mellem Danske og Indiske tekstilvirksomheder er i fokus, inden for cirkularitet, data, transparenthed, digitalisering i den tekstile værdikæde.
Producerer du allerede i Indien eller er du nysgerrig på det? Så vil dette arrangement være relevant for dig.
Du finder invitationen som PDF HER
Tilmeld dig arrangement senest d.16. juni.
Study trip to India with the Indo-Danish Green Textiles Project, May. 22. – 26. 2023
Vi inviterer til en uges workshop i Indien som en del af vores nye Indo-Danish Green Textiles projekt. Besøget vil give mode & tekstil brands muligheden for at mødes med indiske producenter der har fokus på bæredygtig produktion på forskellige måder – besøgene vil både involvere bomuld og polyester producenter, sourcing partere, genanvendelsesanlæg og flere andre vigtige industrispillere.
Emner som nye materialer, kommende lovgivning, digitalisering, recycling samt sporbarhed m.fl. Programmet vil være fokuseret på to vigtige tekstilhubs i Delhi og Tiruppur.
Workshoppen er designet til at give danske brands mulighed for at udforske bæredygtig tekstil indisk produktion . Workshoppen afholdes i samarbejde med DI India og Innovation Center Denmark og dækker størstedelen af udgifter ifm. rejsen.
Hvem kan deltage: Danske mode- & Tekstilbrands uanset størrelse
- Udforsk den indiske tekstilindustri
- Videreudvikle bæredygtighedsinitiativer i Indien
- Identificere nye partnere, materialer og teknologi
- Workshoppen vil i så vidt muligt blive skræddersyet til de deltagende virksomheder
Visit to Denmark, June 2023
We had a visit from an Indian delegation, with 8 representatives from the Indian textile industry. They were:
- TT Limited
- Technocraft Industries (India). Præsentation.
- Pratibha Syntex. Præsentation om Pratibha: Brochure, PP, Circular Actions Water & Energy.
- National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)
- National Institute of Design (NID). Præsentation om NID.
The purpose of the visit was to introduce and match Danish fashion & textile companies with Indian producers based on a circular mindset/approach. The meetings with the Danish participants were selected from a value chain and product perspective, where diversity and expertise in specific areas and products were evident. The Danish companies that received the Indian delegation were:
- Trasborg
- JBS by Hviid Hviid
- DK Company
- Knowledge Cotton Apparel
- Ege Carpets
- Nybo Workwear
- VIA University College Herning
- DM&T
- The Danish Textile Museum
The meetings were characterized by curiosity and knowledge sharing from both sides, focusing on ways of thinking about production and products. Some ways we see Danish and Indian companies could interact and collaborate include: data and transparency from raw material to finished product, new production methods, business models, and education for all levels of the value chain, including the end consumer, who needs to understand why textile products should cost more. Additionally, we focused on the lack of knowledge and experience we have in Denmark. Can India help enhance our knowledge through students and professionals?
Indien har muligheder – og udfordringer
En gruppe på otte danske virksomheder og AAU Business School har været med Lifestyle & Design Cluster, DI India og Innovationscenter Bangalore på studietur under projektet Indo-Danish Green Textiles Project til en række indiske tekstilområder i Delhi, Panipat og Tiruppur i Sydindien.
Deres erfaringer og indsigter er sammenfattet her:
Indien er verdens næststørste producent af bomuld. Producenterne er både mindre og meget store og mangler transparenthed og data i deres arbejdsgange. I modsætning til lande som Bangladesh, Kina, Tyrkiet er der i Indien dog et tekstilt klyngesystem, der åbner for flere muligheder for cirkularitet. Der er fem primære tekstilklynge områder i Indien spredt rundt i hele landet, som kan noget forskelligt inden for tekstilfærdigheder. Indien og deres tekstilministerium ønsker at bevare den rigdom, Indien har inden for tekstilhåndværk og forsøger på forskellig vis at skubbe på den agenda. Et eksempel er en online platform, hvor de har samlet håndværk fra forskellige dele i landet.
Den indiske regering har en politik, der skal fremme vedvarende energikilder, ligesom teknologiske løsninger er i fokus for at øge effektivitet, ligesom regeringen for nyligt har nedsat en task force med henblik på at få industrien til at blive bedre til at håndtere ESG.
En jungle af jura
Der er store forskelle på national lovgivning og krav, så såvel de danske som de indiske virksomheder har et stort behov for at forstå, tilpasse og implementere certificeringer, ligesom de deltagende danske virksomheder ser et behov for større viden om junglen af reguleringer i både Indien og EU.
Fokus på trivsel
På turen oplevede deltagerne en del forskellige typer virksomheder og også stor forskel på, hvordan virksomhederne prioriterer og håndterer arbejdsmiljø. Det samme er tilfældet med engagementet i at arbejde med et mere bæredygtigirksomhederne havde en klar fornemmelse af, at det kan tage lang tid og mange forsøg at finde den rigtige leverandør. Virksomhederne på turen så også udfordringer i at sikre, at en produktion med udgangspunkt i Indien både er profitabel og samtidig, at der er bæredygtig praksis i deres egen virksomhed.