Nordic Blockhain Alliance
Clusters in the lifestyle industry creates, connects, and increases knowledge and competencies within digital product passports and blockchain technology
Clusters in the lifestyle industry creates, connects, and increases knowledge and competencies within digital product passports and blockchain technology
The project aims to create a Nordic blockchain alliance to explore the potential of a common Nordic blockchain by drawing on different experiences and knowledge sources from Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
Blockchain technology offers the possibility of exchanging product and company data in a way that could be both cost-effective and safe for Nordic SMEs. A wide range of information can be carried in a blockchain, including data that documents product history, supply chain, environmental impact, compliance, contract details, and user instructions. The blockchain-based solutions can also facilitate circular business models and carry a future European Product Passport.
Target groups
The target group is lifestyle companies that want to act proactively to meet upcoming challenges and possibilities from regulatory or customer demands on transparency and documentation. Moreover, companies that want to explore possible advantages of using blockchain technology to develop and deepen collaboration in a shared value chain. At last, the project wants to attract solution providers, start-ups, and scholars working with specific applications.
Result of activities
The following activities will be carried through during the project period:
Workpackage 1: Knowledge pool on Blockchain
Nordic blockchain knowledge pool(5)
Collecting known use cases and research to create and connect a strong knowledge pool on Blockchain.
Completing a first blockchain toolbox for SMEs, supporting them with knowhow on how to get a successful start utilizing blockchain technology.
Workpackage 2: Exploring Nordic design blockchain
Conducting 4 x Roundtables with SMEs from all four countries exploring and discussing the potentials and barriers for a Nordic design blockchain.
Presentation: Nordic blockchain findings_ NFTA PlussLab
FINAL REPORT Nordic Blockchain alliance – Potential for Nordic Design Blockchain
Workpackage 3: Blockchain and DPP in Fashion & Furniture
Attracting and inspiring more tech startups to give them insights into the Lifestyle industry and blockchain and to connect them to potential collaboration partners and customers
Science Park Borås_findings on Gina Trico case
DPP furniture case_Interior Cluster Sweden:
Nordiskt blockchain-samarbete skapar spårbarhet för framtiden
Workpackage 4: ASK – The Nordic Way
17 brands showcase how the Nordic lifestyle industry is using new technology for transparency and traceability
Welcome to ‘Ask – The Nordic Way, a podcast about the visionary Nordic Lifestyle Industry, that dares to ask the tough questions, challenge the status quo, and go the extra mile to make sure that their supply chains are traceable and sustainable.
In this podcast you’ll meet a variety of Nordic design brands, all of whom are on a mission: to amplify transparency, traceability, and sustainability.
Nordic Innovation: www.nordicinnovation.org
Peter Munch-Madsen, peter.munch-madsen@nordicinnovation.org
Finnish Textile & Fashion: www.stjm.fi
Marja-Liisa Niinikoski, marja-liisa.niinikoski@stjm.fi
Emilie Gädda, emilia.gadda@stjm.fi
Norwegian Fashion & Textile Agenda (NF&TA): www.nfta.no
Elin Kathrine Saunes, elin@nfta.no
Gupta Udatha gupta@nfta.no
Interiour Cluster Sweden www.interiorcluster.se
Anna Rosenqvist, anna.rosenqvist@interiorcluster.se
Science Park Borås, Jonas Larsson, Jonas.Larsson@hb.se
PlussLab: www.plusslab.no
Anita Drabløs, PlussLab, acd@plusslab.no
Science Park, Borås
Participants: Reima, Gina Tricot, Halti and Nudie Jeans
This is an episode about how data and technology have become a fundamental part of our work with design and clothes. We talk about the digital supply chain and how brands in the Nordic countries are preparing for a more transparent future.
In this episode we have made a digital connection to Mikko Linnaluoma from Reima, Rebecca Watkins from Gina Tricot, Sandya Lang from Nudie Jeans and Laura Roman from Halti.
This episode is funded by: Nordic Innovation & Industriens Fond. Developed in collaboration with Lifestyle & Design Cluster, Interior Cluster Sweden, Science Park Borås, +Lab, NFTA, Science Park Borås, Finnish Textile & Fashion, DI-Handel
Participants: Green Cotton, Spoor and Fritz Hansen.
This episode is about timeless designs and old iconic furniture that lasts a lifetime. We talk about natural materials like leather and cotton and how we ensure that information and data about production reach those who need it.
The guests of the episode is Morten Lund Petersen from Fritz Hansen, Birgitte Holgaard Langer from SPOOR and Sanne Nørgaard from by Green Cotton.
This is a podcast about the visionary Nordic Lifestyle Industry, that dares to ask the tough questions, challenge the status quo, and go the extra mile to make sure that their supply chains are traceable and sustainable.
In this podcast you’ll meet a variety of Nordic design brands, all of whom are on a mission: to amplify transparency, traceability, and sustainability.
This episode is funded by: Nordic Innovation & Industriens Fond. Developed in collaboration with Lifestyle & Design Cluster, Interior Cluster Sweden, Science Park Borås, +Lab, NFTA, Science Park Borås, Finnish Textile & Fashion, DI-Handel
Participants: Simone Faurschou, Birger Christensen og Wehlers
In this episode, we delve into the digital twins of physical design objects and how furniture, jewelry, and fashion not only have a place in the physical world but can also exist in the digital realm. We'll be hearing from Simone Faurschou, Alexandra Morge Rochette from Birger Christensen Collective and Henrik Holm from Wehlers.
This is a podcast about the visionary Nordic Lifestyle Industry, that dares to ask the tough questions, challenge the status quo, and go the extra mile to make sure that their supply chains are traceable and sustainable.
In this podcast you’ll meet a variety of Nordic design brands, all of whom are on a mission: to amplify transparency, traceability, and sustainability.
This episode is funded by: Nordic Innovation & Industriens Fond. Developed in collaboration with Lifestyle & Design Cluster, Interior Cluster Sweden, Science Park Borås, +Lab, NFTA, Science Park Borås, Finnish Textile & Fashion, DI-Handel
Participants: Ungridsdottir, Värnamo of Sweden, Gärnäs, Vestre
In this episode, we've been to Tibro in Sweden to discuss sustainability, traceability, and the use of technology in the furniture industry to secure a more transparent supply chain.
The guests are Christine Ingridsdotter from Ingridsdotter, Petra Mattsson from Gärsnäs and Martin Åhlander from Värnamo of Sweden. We are also joined by Øyvind Bjørnstad from the Norwegian street furniture company Vestre. He is with us on a digital connection from Oslo.
This is a podcast about the visionary Nordic Lifestyle Industry, that dares to ask the tough questions, challenge the status quo, and go the extra mile to make sure that their supply chains are traceable and sustainable.
In this podcast you’ll meet a variety of Nordic design brands, all of whom are on a mission: to amplify transparency, traceability, and sustainability.
This episode is funded by: Nordic Innovation & Industriens Fond. Developed in collaboration with Lifestyle & Design Cluster, Interior Cluster Sweden, Science Park Borås, +Lab, NFTA, Science Park Borås, Finnish Textile & Fashion, DI-Handel
Participants: Son of a Tailor, Roccamore, vadrat Really
This episode is about reimagining the production of fashion and textiles and why it's crucial to maintain a simple and transparent supply chain.
In this episode you will meet Jess Fleischer from Son Of A Tailor, Signe Marie Bakka Backhaus from Roccamore and Wickie Meier Engström from Kvadrat and Kvadrat Really.
This is a podcast about the visionary Nordic Lifestyle Industry, that dares to ask the tough questions, challenge the status quo, and go the extra mile to make sure that their supply chains are traceable and sustainable.
In this podcast you’ll meet a variety of Nordic design brands, all of whom are on a mission: to amplify transparency, traceability, and sustainability.
This episode is funded by: Nordic Innovation & Industriens Fond. Developed in collaboration with Lifestyle & Design Cluster, Interior Cluster Sweden, Science Park Borås, +Lab, NFTA, Science Park Borås, Finnish Textile & Fashion, DI-Handel