Universiteter og forskningspartnere:
IFZ- Interdisciplinary research centre for technology, work and culture
- Lead partner & ansvarlig for arbejdspakke 1: Development of CE-oriented Product-System Innovations og arbejdspakke Management
H-DA- University Darmstadt, Research group SOFIA
- Ansvarlig for arbejdspakke 2: Digital Product Passport: Use cases and Governance Framework
POLIMI- Politecnico di Milano, Department of Design, Design+Strategies
TECC- TECNALIA Certificación
UNIFI- University of Florence, Faculty of Design, Laboratory of Design for Sustainability DIDA LABS
- Ansvarlig for arbejdspakke 4: Multi-Level-Transfer into Practice
WI- Wuppertal Institute
- Ansvarlig for arbejdspakke 6: Assessment of Impacts and Policy Recommendations
ALPLES, Slovenien
- Ansvarlig for pilot: Circular redesign of wooden furniture
Ehrmann, Tyskland
- Ansvarlig for piloterne: Furniture made from industrial symbiosis og Refurbishment by the retailer
Forma 5, Spanien
- Ansvarlig for pilot: Circular redesign of upholstered furniture
LAGO, Italien
- Ansvarlig for pilot: Furniture rental system for hospitality
Stykka, Danmark
- Ansvarlig for pilot: Digital Product passport enabled- return factory
TAKT, Danmark
- Ansvarlig for pilot: Peer-to- peer platform
Brancheforeninger og Klynger:
FLA – Federlegno Arredo
- Ansvarlig for arbejdspakke 5: Large-scale Implementation
EFIC- European Furniture Industries Confederation
LDC- Lifestyle and Design Cluster
- Ansvarlig for arbejdspakke 3: Piloting of Product-System Innovations incl. the DPP
IBA- German Business Interior Association IBA (Industrieverband Büro und Arbeitswelt e. V.)
VDM- The Association of the German Furniture Industry (Verband der Deutschen Möbelindustrie)
- Ansvarlig for Pilot: Return System
CLA- Cluster Legno, Arredo e Sistema casa
dID- Interior and Design District (distretto Interni Design)
- Ansvarlig for arbejdspakke 7: Initiation CoP, Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation