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Læs Den Store Rapport Om Digital Vækstkultur Her

Big report on Digital Growth Culture: Get your digital culture shock 

Through a long time, Lifestyle & Designcluster has worked intensively with the preparation of the big report Digital Growth Culture.

The report spans almost 100 companies, all of whom have taken their own digital temperature and at the same time, while working hard to move on their digital educational journey in the fight against disruption.

Read, among other things, what digital growth culture is, can and do, how companies have used the process and course and not least, how to get to the next phase of the project.

Download the report here: Digital Vækstkultur Rapport


Birk Centerpark 38
7400 Herning, Denmark
Ph.: +45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
> Directions

Headstart Fashion HOUSE
Mindet 4
8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Ph.: +45 2420 7207
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
Office in BLOXHUB
Frederiksholms Kanal 30 A5, 1. sal
1220 København K, Denmark
Ph.:+45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
> Directions

Lifestyle Lab CPH
Bredgade 66
1260 København
Ph.: +45 2276 7990
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com

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