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Danish students pays hommage to Mogensen and Wegner at Milan Furniture Fair

At this time students at the Danish architect and design schools are reinterpreting the classic work of the big danish furniture designers Børge Mogensen and Hans Wegner. The students’ work and their views on future furniture design is to be exhibited at the Milan Fair to promote Danish design and design education.

The Milan furniture and design fair takes place from the 8. – 13. of April 2014

It is The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, The Design School Kolding along with Aarhus Schol of Architecture and TEKO design+business who exhibit together in Milan. The aim of the exhibition is to highlight the new, upcoming talents from the Danish furniture scene.

A joint effort to promote Danish design and design education

The cooperation is not only beneficial to the students, schools and their cooperation, but also an opportunity for furniture manufacturers to help lift the legacy of former Danish design icons. The hope is that the exhibition once again will pique interest from abroad for Danish design.

Behind the joint efforts of Milan is the partners of Innonet Lifestyle – Interior & Clothing: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, The Design School Kolding along with Aarhus School of Architecture and TEKO design+business.

For further information, please contact the Innonet Lifestyle – Interior & Clothing:

– Director Betina Simonsen, phone 29 36 00 90 or mail betina@innonetlifestyle.com
– Head of department Mathilde Aggebo, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, phone 45 41 70 15 88 or magg@kadk.dk





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