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Tidligere afholdte arrangementer

ECO-design Challenge 2024: Heldagsworkshop // Øjet på drømmen og dilemmaerne
Heldagsworkshop for tidligere deltagere om ECO-design forordningens betydning for fremtidens produkter og arbejdsmetoder.
Export trip to Chile with KIDS project
Explore, Connect, Thrive: KIDS Brands Delegation Tour to Chile. Elevate your KIDS brand to new horizons! Join us on an exclusive delegation tour to Chile, the gateway to endless possibilities for toys, clothing, and furniture, with a special focus on the baby segment. Date: 30th may-3rd june Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of KIDS products, from adorable baby attire to innovative toys and cozy furniture. Uncover market insights, forge partnerships, and witness firsthand the allure of Chile's dynamic market. Why Attend: Connect: Network with industry leaders and fellow KIDS brand enthusiasts. Discover: Explore the latest trends and opportunities in toys, clothing, and baby furniture. Cultural Fusion: Experience the unique blend of Chilean culture and business. Secure your spot for a journey filled with inspiration and business growth!
Tekstilsymbiose 2.0 workshop #4 på spor #1
Sidste faglige workshop før statuskonferencen i september med planetens trivsel, DesignWISE-værktøjet og et handlingsmanifest for virksomheder i centrum
Det Frivillige Sektorsamarbejde om Tekstiler summit 2024
All signatories of The Voluntary Sector Collaboration on Textiles are invited to our summit 2024. The event will be held in Christiansborg and will consist of, among other things, We will also talk about the things we have to work on going forward and what we have achieved until now. We look forward to an exciting and great day. round table discussions, presentations, and networking.
TRACE: Blockchain IoT Reseller - Final Education Session
Education in IoT, Blockchain & Resale market for the lifestyle industry. CBS, the Royal Academy, the Alexandra Institute and LDC are investigating how the circular design principles of the future can meet new technology and together support a sustainable scaling of the resale market. You can join the journey, when we open up an exciting trainning course over 4 online meetings. Here you get the latest knowledge from research, hear interesting cases and insight into how Blockchain, IoT, design principles and the resale market interact, and how your company gets started with the implementation. We invite brands, consultants and tech providers who are all curious about how technology can be a catalyst for a stronger resale market for the lifestyle industry. Over four courses you will go thourgh technologies, supplychain, data and trends in the resale market. Remember there is a small homework task after each session.
Chile for inspiration & export - KIDS project
Er din virksomhed interesseret i at deltage i en spændende inspirations tur til Chile den 3. til 5. juni 2024? Rejs med 20 virksomheder fra Spanien, Frankrig og Danmark og modtag et tilskud på 1.500 euro.
Materialepyramide for Møbelbranchen
#6 Netværksmøde / Circular Furniture Network
Circular Furniture Network er et eksklusivt erhvervsnetværk for danske møbel- og interiørbrands, der arbejder strategisk med cirkulær økonomi og ansvarlighed, og som ønsker at vidensdele, udvikle og samarbejde med andre ligesindede brands, med samme udfordringer – og muligheder. Circular Furniture Network samles den 30. april til det 6. netværksmøde - denne gang hos Fritz Hansen i Allerød. Kontakt Maria Hørmann for yderligere info:
Infomøde: Kickstart Digital innovation:med studietur til Silicon Valley
Studieturen til Silicon Valley vil fokusere på at dykke ned i, hvordan livsstilsbranchen kan accelerere digital transformation med fokus på: Kunderelationen: Besøg hos virksomheder, der er førende inden for brugen af AI til at forbedre kunderelationer, inklusive hvordan AI kan personalisere kundeoplevelsen og styrke kundeloyalitet. Kundeoplevelser: Workshops og demoer af de nyeste teknologier inden for VR/AR og IoT, der kan skabe mere immersive og engagerende kundeoplevelser, samt hvordan disse teknologier kan integreres i kunderejsen. Ny Teknologi til Bæredygtige Forretningsmodeller.
Online Træning - Eksport udenfor EU med friske erfaringer fra Syd Korea
Online Træningssession i Internationalisering for KIDS brands. Opdag, hvordan jeres virksomhed for succes med eksport udenfor EU. Session arrangeret af KIDS projektet, med Lifestyle & Design Cluster som vært.
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