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A sustainable fashion alliance for international markets
5 Strategic Cluster & Business Networks in a cross-sectoral coolaboration

Can technology like blockchain make it easier to track products? Can artificial intelligence help optimize stocks? Which tools help anticipate what the consumer wants? And which ones help reduce the industry’s effects on the environment?These and other questions are at the heart of the European project Fascinate (Sustainable Fashion Alliance for International Markets), which will put forward a joint internationalization strategy between the fashion, footwear, and digital technology industries to access international markets, focusing on sustainability and circularity.

The Challenges

The textile and fashion industry are one of the most important manufacturing industries in Europe; they are, however, also the second biggest global polluter after the oil industry. The United Nations (UN), in February 2018, described “Fast Fashion” as an environmental emergency.

The objectives

The textile and fashion industry are one of the most important manufacturing industries in Europe; they are, however, also the second biggest global polluter after the oil industry. The United Nations (UN), in February 2018, described “Fast Fashion” as an environmental emergency.

The EU project, which runs for 18 months until February 2022, is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises in Spain, Bulgaria and Denmark.

The geographical distribution of the clusters provides an ideal coverage with project partners from Southern Europe and Bulgaria with large production and Denmark with extensive experience with clean technology.

FASCINATE consists of

  • 5 Strategic Cluster & Business Networks
  •  5 new trans-national value chains
  •  650+ European entities represented (480 SMEs)
  •  More than 170 supporting organizations
  • Collaboration with 10 international network
  • 3 international third countries markets targeted
  • 60 SMEs from 4 EU countries to be trained on international sustainability and circularity
  • One Joint Internationalization Strategy
  • 15 European strategic partners an
  • d 5 cooperation agreements A sound sustainability plan towards a future Joint Governance Structure and..
  •  Many synergies with stakeholders
FASCINATE has 2 planned events in early 2021.

Fascinate Project Consortium:

Christian Chapelle
Head of Incubation
Mobil: 2420 7207


Gabriella Constantinou
Projektmedarbejder, cirkulær økonomi & textile recycling
Mobil: 20222605

FASCINATE runs a series of events all through the project period.

Due to the Covid 19-pandemic some of them may be held online.

March 16. Value Chain Seminar

March 24. Fascinate is a part of Circular City Week in New York. Se invitation here


Birk Centerpark 38
7400 Herning, Denmark
Ph.: +45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
> Directions

Headstart Fashion HOUSE
Mindet 4
8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Ph.: +45 2420 7207
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
Office in BLOXHUB
Frederiksholms Kanal 30 A5, 1. sal
1220 København K, Denmark
Ph.:+45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
> Directions

Lifestyle Lab CPH
Bredgade 66
1260 København
Ph.: +45 2276 7990
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com

Lifestyle & Design Cluster
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