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Future Fashion talks på CIFF

Se eller gense de spændende talks fra februars modemesse!

I samarbejde med CIFF (Copenhagen Internation Fashion Fair) afholdt Lifestyle & Design Cluster en række spændende paneldebatter. Se eller gense dem her.

  • Fremtidens Kunder – for uden kunderne, hvad har vi så? Hvem er de, hvordan tænker de, og hvilke (bæredygtige) behov har de?
  • Fremtidens Dokumentation – Et emne der kun bliver mere og mere fokus på. Her kigger vi på, hvordan data og teknologi kan hjælpe modebranchen med at dokumentere deres grønne fremskridt.
  • Fremtidens Talenter – Den næste generation kommer stormende ind i branchen, med nye idealer, ideer og værdier.
Future Fashion Talks Feb. 2022 Billede 3

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Wednesday: February 2nd at 15.00

Who are the customers of tomorrow, how do they think, and what do they want to wear. We will discuss both customer mindsets and demographics with schools, marketers, researchers, and businesses. We will discuss:

  • Attitudes towards sustainability
  • Customer segments
  • Changing demographics and customer needs
  • Body types and growing niche markets
  • And much more


  • Petra Adhe-Deal, Researcher at Copenhagen Business Academy
  • Dorthe Kandi, Mediechef, femina | SØNDAG | Psykologi
  • Manou Messmann, Expert in branding & consumer behaviour

Se med live her:

Thursday: February 3rd at 15.00

Brands will see a rising demand for documentation of their products, their impact and origin. Technology can be a driver for transparency and provide an alternative documentation strategy. In this talk we will gather researchers, tech experts and leading brands to discuss:

  • The prospects within Blockchain Technology
  • Tracking and scanning technology
  • Tech-led transparency and documentation
  • And much much more


  • Loa Dalgaard Worm, Director, FSC Denmark
  • Birgitte H. Langer, Business Development Director, Spoor
  • Marie Busck, Head of CSR at Danish Fashion & Textiles

Se med live her:

Friday: February 4th at 11.00

We will talk to new talent just finishing education, about their hopes and fears when entering the industry. Students from design and business will meet recruiters from the fashion industry in this talk, to discuss:

  • Sustainable change from within
  • Working environment in a shifting world
  • Competences now and in the future
  • And much more


  • Marlie Hede, Headhunter & Partner, Human trust
  • Fanni Vonnák, Graduate student at VIA University College
  • Anne Carina Christensen, Graduate student from University of Southern Denmark

Johanne Stenstrup
Projektmedarbejder, Cirkulær Økonomi
Mobil: 40212600


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7400 Herning
Tlf.: +45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
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Mindet 4
8000 Aarhus C
Tlf.: +45 2420 7207
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
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1220 København K
Tlf.:+45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
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Lifestyle Lab CPH
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Tlf.: +45 2276 7990
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com

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