Om Nordic Circular Summit
Nordic Circular Summit arangeres af Nordic Circular Hotspot og Nordic Innovation med en mission om at udforske de enorme cirkulære muligheder, norden har at tilbyde.
Over tre dage med pre-events og to med main-events kan du følge debatter og talks.
“Common Goals towards a Circular Future for Textiles”, hvor CEO i Lifestyle & Design Cluster, Betina Simonsen sammen med Maria Glæsel,CEO i AIAYU og formand for det danske sektorsamarbejde inden for branchen præsenterer tankerne bag. Torsdag 24. november kl. 14.00-15.15. Læs mere her.
“Leadership for Circular Transition”, hvor kravene, udfordringerne og mulighederne i en mere cirkulær strategi belyses. Torsdag den 24. november kl. 14.00-15.15. Læs mere her.
Lifestyle & Design Cluster deltager desuden i paneldebatter i:
“Circular Future of the Nordics”, hvor data og forventninger kondenseres til et bud på fremtiden. Læs mere her.
Torsdag den 24. kl. 12.30-13.30
“Circular Textiles in the Nordics: Challenges & Opportunities for Emerging Economies”
Onsdag den 23. november kl. 16-17. Se mere her
“Circular Textile Value Chains in the Nordics” – onsdag den 23. november kl. 16-17. Læs mere her
Lifestyle & Design Clusters events under Nordic Circular Summit
Circular Future of the Nordics
November 24, 12.30 – 13.30
What does the future of the Nordics look like? Are we headed towards true circularity or an accelerating linear economy with a few circular businesses at the margins?
Here in the Nordics, we are frontrunners in knowledge production on circular economy and the Nordic Circular Hotspot is a testament to the high level of cooperation and collaboration in our mission to transform our economy around sustainable principles. At the same time, our current economies also boast some of the most intense rates of resource depletion and greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the world. What will the circular future of the Nordics be?
In this session, we synthesise the latest data and predictions from social and natural sciences to investigate best—and worst—case scenarios for our region’s circular future and ask the tough questions. If a liveable future requires radical system change, then how can we prepare for it? Is it possible to do more than just “damage control”? And finally, how can we go beyond the Nordics and spread our successes to accelerate a truly global circular transition?
- Welcome and introductionKim Hjerrild, Lifestyle & Design Cluster and Nordic Circular Hotspot
- Utopias and dystopias — a map of possible futures
Zuzana Malinkovičová, Project Manager Cataly(c)st, DTU SkylabKeira Dignan, Secretary General, ReGeneration 2030 - Panel discussion — how can we prepare for a future worth fighting for?Moderator: Floris van der Marel, Researcher and Cataly(c)st Youth Advisor, Aalto UniversityBettina Schwalm, Partner & Director for Future Thinking and Foresight, Next AgentsJakob Lagander, Country Manager Sweden, 3stepITLára Kristín Þorvaldsdóttir, Youth Advisor Cataly(c)st, EFLA Consulting EngineersKim Hjerrild, Design & Lifestyle ClusterUgnė Budriūnaitė, Chairperson, ReGeneration 2030Kristoffer Lundholm, Head of Sustainability, Sally EY DobermanUnder our current conditions, companies must often play circularity off against profitability and cost-effectiveness when it comes to future strategy. What are the key barriers for your organisation in adapting to a best-case scenario circular future — for example, one where GDP growth is not aimed for? Could your company survive in a post-growth economy?
- On the flip side, what system changes would enable your organisation to prioritise true circularity in what you do?
- Many of our value chains here in the Nordics are currently built around the extraction of large amounts of labour and raw materials from the global south (not to mention the enormous debts currently extracted from developing economies that inhibit sustainable development). What role can we play here in the Nordics in a global circular future?
- Questions from the audience
- Closing remarks and summary — what can we take away from this session to use for truly future-proofing our thinking?Zuzana Malinkovičová, Project Manager Cataly(c)st, DTU SkylabKeira Dignan, Secretary General, ReGeneration 2030
Green Transition Within Textiles
November 24, 14.00 – 15.15
How can and should the textile industry in the Nordics set common goals and perhaps roadmaps?
In June 2022 the Danish textile sector entered a multi-stakeholder collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment to engage in circular materials, design and business models and to reach voluntary goals by 2030.
In this session we will present the Danish collaboration and discuss how this model can be adapted or spread to a Nordic context.
Many fashion & Textile companies regard the Nordic market as one big home market, and their employees have a similar mindset when it comes to sustainability and circularity. Therefore, common Nordic goals could make sense, and how the Nordic region could position themselves internationally.
- Welcome by moderator
Frederik Thrane, Lifestyle & Design Cluster
- Introduction to the Danish multi-stakeholder collaboration, its background, goals and first achievements,
Betina Simonsen, CEO, Lifestyle & Design Cluster
- The business point of view – why did AIAYU join the new collaboration and what are the expectations?
Maria Glæsel, CEO of AIAYU and chair of the Danish textile collaboration
- Reflections on the Danish model of multi-stakeholder collaboration. How can we work more towards a Nordic model?
– Nina Espegård Hassel
– University of Borås, representative from their Fashion & Textile 2030 programme (tbc)
– Norwegian fashion hub
– 2 nordic fashion companies
Isabella Holmgaard, Message, MARIMEKKO
- Panel with the participants on their views on the next steps towards a common Nordic approach to greener and more circular textile industry
- Closing remarks by moderator
Leadership for Circular Transition
November 24, 14.00 – 15.15
Hosted by: Lifestyle & Design Cluster and Centre for Circular Economy
The transition to a circular and regenerative society will accelerate in the coming years and is already shaping markets across segments and regions. The new market reality will present new demands for companies and their leadership, increasing the need for understanding and coping with the full implications of going from linear to circular value chains and business models.
The new market reality is determined by four major developments on the rise that will hit all segments and sectors:
- regulatory and financial demands and taxing of externalities
- pull from customers committed / compelled to go green (big corps, public and private end users)
- sourcing of raw materials and products becoming critical, insecure, and expensive
- a new labor market where new talents and highly qualified key personnel will be harder to get onboard and to retain.
The session will present the core themes and first results of the Nordic transition group on Leadership for Circular Transition. Departing from two short presentations we shall discuss what might be the key components in a generic training program for CEOs, board of directors and other management representatives to navigate, drive, integrate and implement sustainability and circular economy as a core strategy in business development.
- Welcome by moderator
Kim Hjerrild, Lifestyle & Design Cluster - When the green and circular transition becomes an imperative, what should be Your first steps as a leader?
Flemming Kehr, Global Practice Lead, Mercuri Urval - Turning circularity into a strategic goal, what are the knowledge and tools needed to future-proof your company?
Gitte Haar, CEO and founder of Centre for Circular Economy - First reflections on the presentations and setting the scene for the debate
Members of the transition group and invited CEOs - Panel discussion
What might be the key components in a generic training program for CEOs and other management representatives to help them turn green and circular transition into a core strategy in business development? - Closing remarks by moderator
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