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Design for Circularity

What options are out there and how do you get started? Design for Circularity physical seminar & workshop 1 & online seminar

Webinar: Design for Circularity (in danish)

  • Dato: Mandag den 5. december 2022 kl. 15:00 – 17:00
  • Sted: Zoom

Kort om webinaret:

Dansk produktion af arbejds- og patientbeklædning er kendetegnet ved høj kvalitet, men forkert håndtering og manglede reparationsservice er en udfordring for lang levetid. Projektet Design for Cirkularitet har haft fokus på, hvordan design kan forlænge levetiden på arbejds- og patientbeklædning, og vi vil præsentere viden fra tre branchecases, der har arbejdet innovativt med at integrere cirkulære forretningsmodeller. VIA Design og Business inviterer til dialog og videndeling sammen med en række videnpartnere i Lifestyle & Designcluster regi.

Webinaret henvender sig til alle, der interesserer sig for cirkulære forretningsmodeller inden for arbejds- og patientbeklædning samt uniformer.

Hvad får du med dig hjem?
Du får praksisnær viden med konkrete eksempler på innovationsarbejde baseret på cirkulære principper, samt inspiration til, hvordan din virksomhed kan øge sin bæredygtige bundlinje både miljømæssigt og økonomisk.


  • Velkomst v/ Poul-Erik Jørgensen, programleder for Product Design & Materials Technology, VIA University College.
  • Oplæg #1: Sur le Chemin Designstudio – Uniformer for Enigma, Museum for Post, Tele og Kommunikation v/ Kjetil Aas, ekstern lektor, Det Kongelige Akademi.
  • Oplæg #2: Cirkulære tekstiler i den offentlige sektor v/ Sarafina Liv Taudal Andersen, Bæredygtighedskonsulent, midtVask.
  • Oplæg #3: midtVask case v/ Tina Cecilie Bull Nielsen, Adjunkt og forskningsass., Product Design & Materials Technology, VIA University College.
  • Oplæg #4: Bacher x CPH airport case v/ Malene Harsaae, Lektor, p.hd., VIA Design & Business.
  • Paneldebat mellem oplægsholdere.
  • Afrunding og tak for i dag.

Resale and take-back

The seminar is relevant for businesses that are interested in resale and take-back and seeking new knowledge and inspiration about the field. The resale market is growing and has increasingly emerged as the solution to the fashion industry’s sustainability crisis. However, it is just a fraction of garments that currently generate resale value, and fashion brands are struggling to find their way into the secondary market.

In this seminar, we introduce the landscape of resale and take-back in Denmark, provide insights into the market and how brands can learn more about their own resale potentials.

Four pioneering resale platform providers: Create2stay, Continued, Commons & Sassylab will present their solutions and take part in a panel discussion about the present and future of resale.  In the afternoon, we will host a workshop to help participants explore resale from a design and business model perspectives.

  • Date: 28.09.2022
  • Time: Physical: 9 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. // Online: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • Address: Royal Danish Academy, Philip De Langes Allé 10, Copenhagen K, Aud. 6


  • Welcome presentation: ‘Follow the brand’ (physical and online)
    • Presentation by Mette Dalgaard Nielsen, Research Assistant, Royal Danish Academy, focusing on ‘follow the brand’ as method to understand brand performance in a resale context + barriers and potentials for fashion businesses within the resale market
  • Presentation and panel discussion (physical and online)
    • Presentation by Create 2STAY, Continued, COMMONS and SassyLAB, four Danish resale cases and their contributions to a circular fashion industry, followed by a panel discussion (possibility for listeners to ask questions and challenge business models/solutions)
  • Wrap-up and participant introduction (physical)
    • Presentation wrap-up and introduction round for physical attendants
  • Workshop: Resale as design and business challenge (physical)
    • Exercise 1: Resale as design challenge
    • Exercise 2: Resale as business challenge
  • Wrap-up and network (physical)

Frederik Thrane
Project leader, Circular Economy
Phone: +45 53867007
E-mail: frederik@ldcluster.com

This event is hosted in collaboration with Det Kongelige Akademi


Birk Centerpark 38
7400 Herning
Tlf.: +45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
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Headstart Fashion HOUSE
Mindet 4
8000 Aarhus C
Tlf.: +45 2420 7207
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
Kontor i BLOXHUB
Frederiksholms Kanal 30 A5, 1. sal
1220 København K
Tlf.:+45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
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Lifestyle Lab CPH
Bredgade 66
1260 København
Tlf.: +45 2276 7990
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com

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