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BREAKING: SYLAB opens with participation of minister Ulla Tørnæs



The 23rd of May 2016 the Minister for Higher Education and Science Ulla Tørnæs, opens the robot-workroom in the SYLAB project together with the mayor of Ikast-Brande Municipality, Carsten Kissmeyer.

Director of Lifestyle & Design Cluster, which is the project manager, is looking forward to get the project kicked off.

The selection process of the ten participants, who initially get daily access to the latest robotics and other production facilities, located in tekstiltilvirksomheden Claire in Ikast, is almost compleated and will be announced at the project site.

Read more about SYLAB at the project site (in Danish only)


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Lifestyle Lab CPH
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Ph.: +45 2276 7990
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com

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