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Danish research maintains an international top position

A new report on Danish research, seen in an international perspective, indicates that Danish researchers provide high scientific quality.

dansk-forskning-fastholderThe quality of Danish research is among the world leaders and scientists are also among the most productive in terms of number of scientific publications and impact measured by how often other researchers refer to Danish research as part of their own research.

But the high level of Danish research must be of greater benefit for the level of the Danish industry, when it comes to knowledge and innovation.

– “It is crucial that we get more time in the growth of our community and the quality of our research is a very good starting point. But the interaction between research and industry must be strengthened. This is done by Danish companies employ more skilled labor, which brings new knowledge with them to the companies. It is an important challenge and part of the government innovation strategy “. Says Morten Østergaard,The Danish Minister of Education.

Link to the publication “Forskningsbarometer 2012” (in Danish) on the website Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation.


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