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Dress of sustainable design in the Queens New Year´s Levee

Danish Minister for Business and Growth attending the Queens New Year´s Levee wearing sustainable design

minister-nytaarsgalla-dkFor years Kolding School of Design (Designskolen Kolding) has had a longstanding focus on sustainable fashion. Last spring this resulted in a number of principles, where the outcome was the design of a small clothing line under the name “Living Lightly”. At the annual New Year´s Levee held by the Danish Queen, Annette Vilhelmsen the Danish Minister for Business and Growth, wore a sustainable dress based on these design principles.

The description of the dress (From Designskolen Kolding in danish)

Image gallery of alle the dresses (The Minister; Annette Vilhelmsen appears on image 11 and 12)


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7400 Herning, Denmark
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