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The fashion brand Mos Mosh participated in Digital Growth Culture (DVK) to work with digitalization. They needed help prioritizing their time and resources.

For the Kolding-based company, it was important to get closer to the customer, know them – digitally. Mos Mosh does not sell to the end consumer online, so they know their physical customers very well. So the next step into the digital world was to get to know customers purely digitally.

“In recent years, we have experienced growth in the company, so it has been difficult to find the time to work on the digital development. We do not sell directly to the end consumer at our web shop and have not been focusing on getting closer to them. But we are doing it now”, says PR & Marketing Coordinator Stine Ekkenberg Østerby from Mos Mosh.

She and the rest of the organization needed consultancy and a network on the digital side of the business.

“We sell really well in the physical stores, which have always been our main focus. It must continue to be so but focusing on the physical does not necessarily exclude the digital one. At the moment we work a lot with the social media, and maybe we need a web shop that works like a kind of a digital showroom. We haven’t settled yet, but for us it is more important to be able to make the right decision about how we do, than just to do it”, says Stine Ekkenberg Østerby.


Convenience (and data) is king

“For us it is important that we do not lose the relationship with the physical customers. We have intensified on social media, and have hired a part-time employee, who both blogs and YouTubes a lot, to work with it. Before that, I had to remember to post something, and it was often when I had gone home”, says Stine Ekkenberg Østerby.

“Of course, we must have a lot of data extracted from our social media. The customers cannot shop online with us, but if the online marketing is good, they will come to the physical store.”


Thoughts and obligations

Branding and service to customers is what drives Mos Mosh at the moment. To Mos Mosh, the DVK has been ideal because they have had to prioritize the project and digital development. “The idea of ​​participating in DVK has been to find the resources and time to focus on digitization. We have done that, but it is clear that digitization takes time and we are already running fast. That is why it has been good for us to have a project like DVK with obligations”, says Stine Ekkenberg Østerby.

“My responsibilities have changed a bit from earlier. Now it is my responsibility that we not only get the data, but also get it analyzed so that we can translate it into insights for our marketing efforts. The profiles we employ are more digital than before, which is a wish from the management. It is great that they are so much involved in pushing the process forward, because without their support you will not go anywhere.”

Quality over quantity

Mos Mosh found digitization a bit confusing at first -Where to start?

“It can be difficult to see where to start. We decided to focus on customer travel, a closer relationship with the digital customers. The solution for us has clearly been to listen to the customers, and social media has helped us doing that. Our interaction with the followers has increased, and this gives us input to reach them in the future. We would rather have the interaction with the customers than we want many followers”, says Stine Ekkenberg Østerby.

The next step for the company will be to monthly count everything related to branding and marketing. It is part of the plan to give customers what they want. However, it is important for Mos Mosh that digital efforts do not remove focus from what is still the company’s foundation.

“We know the physical presence and the physical branding are important for our customers. We still need to deliver delicious, printed catalogs, look books and produce beautiful installations for fashion fairs. But It does not mean we cannot move digitally. For us it requires prioritizing our time, have the resources and get the right people on board -then it will become a success.”


Economic growth can lower the digital growth

In the recent years, Mos Mosh has been growing, which of course is a positive thing, but it also means that other development projects often have to wait. It is important to include the company’s culture on the digital front as well. “We can easily hire ten people and free time and resources, but what does it help if they don’t understand the culture? We will probably prioritize our efforts digitally, if we continue to grow”, says Stine Ekkenberg Østerby.

Fortunately, the management had been behind the project from the very beginning. To them it has been very clear that the company has to move digitally without losing sight of the physical customers.

“We do so by thinking in very visual paths. We work hard to get our set of values ​​into the material we use online, on social media in particular, so it is clear that it comes from Mos Mosh.”


Things are happening digitally in Kolding.

How does the future plans look?

“We are currently planning a lot of things right now. Strategy is really good, but everything is changing so fast at the moment that we may have chosen a strategy, which becomes useless the next day because everything online is moving so fast. That’s why we work more on a monthly basis, looking at the numbers, analyzing and then planning. That model makes sense to us. For example, we thought that we should work a lot with our Facebook account, but Facebook is not really happening in Denmark at the moment. On the other hand, Facebook is very busy in Germany, where our potential customers still use it.”

“In a year from now, we most certainly have made a good research and nuanced choice in relation to whether we should have a web shop or a website. We, and I, need the analytical glasses in the future, so we can use the data to stay on track.”


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