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The textile mill project this weeks media darling

Plained clothes will soon make the production of new clothes more sustainable using new technology. This is the headline of one of several interviews that project manager Isabella Holmgaard from Lifestyle & Design Cluster gave to DR in both the radio and on television in connection with the LDC’s textile mill project has now reached its maturation phase.

Isabella Holmgaard has a background as self-employed from a secondhand clothing chain in Aarhus, Viborg and Aalborg, and thoroughly recognizing the industry’s challenges from a practical angle. “Throughout my self-employed time, I have experienced this specific issue because large quantities of textiles can not be reused directly in their form of fashionable clothing for resale. This is the real challenge for the textile industry and the central focus of our textile mill project, “says Isabella Holmgaard.

Watch and listen the media clips about the textile mill at the Danish section of the website.



Birk Centerpark 38
7400 Herning, Denmark
Ph.: +45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
> Directions

Headstart Fashion HOUSE
Mindet 4
8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Ph.: +45 2420 7207
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
Office in BLOXHUB
Frederiksholms Kanal 30 A5, 1. sal
1220 København K, Denmark
Ph.:+45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
> Directions

Lifestyle Lab CPH
Bredgade 66
1260 København
Ph.: +45 2276 7990
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com

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