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Startup Conference

Start-up conference Innomission 4 – Pool 2

The Partnership Circular Plastic and Textiles, Innomission#4 invites entrepreneurs, SME’s, large corporations, leading researchers,  NGO, relevant public companies and offices within the field of plastic and textiles to attend the conference as a start-up for the process of Pool 2. – SIGN UP IS NO LONGER POSSIBLE


Birk Centerpark 38
7400 Herning
Tlf.: +45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
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Headstart Fashion HOUSE
Mindet 4
8000 Aarhus C
Tlf.: +45 2420 7207
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
Kontor i BLOXHUB
Frederiksholms Kanal 30 A5, 1. sal
1220 København K
Tlf.:+45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
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Lifestyle Lab CPH
Bredgade 66
1260 København
Tlf.: +45 2276 7990
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com

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