Stor succes for Pitching for a better Baltic Sea
Der var iværksætter-vibes for alle pengene, da vi forleden bød inden for på DOKK1 til arrangementet Pitching for a better Baltic Sea.
Projektet opfordrer iværksættere, der har en ide til et produkt, en service eller noget andet, der kan gøre livet i landene rundt om Østersøen til et bedre sted at leve.
Det var der en del iværksættere, der gerne ville byde ind på. Som opdraget til opgaven netop inviterede til, så skulle der være fokus på bæredygtighed, innovation og en kommerciel gennemslagskraft.
Ydermere var der besøg fra Aarhus-borgmesteren Jacob Bundsgaard, som kunne bekræfte, at det var vigtigt, at der var mere fokus på samarbejde i de Nordeuropæiske lande.
Pitching for a better Baltic Sea lægger heldigvis kun hjørnestenen til det samarbejde, vi i fremtiden vil køre med bl.a. Kulturinstituttet i Riga.
Glæd dig til at høre mere om det.
Herunder kan du se alle partnere i projektet og læse mere om, hvad der foregik på selve dagen.
Og så er der selvfølgelig lidt fine billeder.
In english:
Thanks to everyone involved in the international pitching competition that took place this monday at Dokk1 in Aarhus, Denmark. The pitching competition had the overall theme: How can your idea make the Baltic Sea Region a better place? and also focused on UN’s Sustainable Development Goals on how to create value while increasing people’s awareness on a future of innovation and investment.
The project is a part of the project Creative Ports – Internationalisation of the Cultural and Creative Industries in the Baltic Sea Region. We had the honor of having Jacob Bundsgaard, the mayor of Aarhus to visit the event. He held a speech where he emphasized the international cooperation between Aarhus and Riga. Thanks to Kasper Brandi Petersen from LABFRESH for being key-note speaker. And a big thanks to our jury.
Thank you for an inspiring day where creativity and sustainability was key. Thank you to the Danish Cultural Institute for initiating the collaboration across the countries.
Creative Ports is a project funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region which brings together the cultural and creative industries in the Baltic Sea Region.
Danish Cultural Institute in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Alle billeder: Gorm Branderup
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