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Circular Furniture Days 2024

Circular Furniture Days er en årlig udstilling, som Lifestyle & Design Cluster står bag under det internationale event 3daysofdesign i København. Her sætter vi fokus på cirkulære og innovative løsninger inden for møbler og interiør.

Rendering af udstillingen: Formland

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Circular Furniture Days 2024

Igen i år afviklede Lifestyle & Design Cluster eventet Circular Furniture Days, hvor innovative møbel- og interiørbrands præsenterer deres cirkulære produkter, løsninger og forretningsmodeller, og hvor diverse debatter, talks og pop-up events sætter fokus på vidensdeling om mulighederne indenfor en cirkulær omstilling.

Circular Furniture Days 2024 fandt sted i Designmuseets Have under 3daysofdesign den 12.-14. juni og blev realiseret i tæt partnerskab med Formland, Plastindustrien og Designmuseum Danmark.

Om Circular Furniture Days

Dansk design inden for møbel og interiør har gennem generationer haft stolte traditioner for at være unikt og i høj kvalitet. Det er denne tradition, som Lifestyle & Design Cluster bygger videre på i forbindelse med eventet Circular Furniture Days som vi siden 2019 har afviklet under det internationale event 3daysofdesign.

Circular Furniture Days udvælger og udstiller møbler og interiør, eller løsninger omkring disse, som på den ene eller anden måde ligger inden for den cirkulære økonomi. Det kan være produkter som for eksempel:

  • er produceret af genanvendte, overskuds-, og/eller organiske materialer
  • er produceret ved hjælp af vedvarende eller fornybar energi
  • er designet til at kunne holde
  • er lette at reparere og renovere
  • er designet til at blive skilt ad, så materialerne kan genanvendes
  • lejes ud i stedet for at blive solgt
  • har komponenter, som kan genanvendes i andre processer eller produkter
  • er en del af en take-back-ordning, der sørger for at produkter eller materialer kan indgå i nye produkter/løsninger.

Der kan være tale om genanvendelse af plast fra verdenshavene, plastikflasker eller fiskenet, kreativ udnyttelse af de sidste kvadratcentimeter træ fra møbel-produktion, minimalistisk ressource-forbrug, genanvendt metal og mange andre kreative nyskabelser, der alle har til formål at reducere forbrug og spild eller at genanvende og genbruge materialer.

Udstillerne kurateres ud fra deres initiativer, bedømt ud fra temaerne:

  • Cirkulært design
  • Produktion og distribution
  • Brug
  • Genanvendelse og genbrug
  • Materialer/sourcing

Cirkulær Økonomi

I fremtiden skal lineære forretningsmodeller erstattes af mere cirkulære, hvor for eksempel møbler er langtidsholdbare og lette at reparere. Cirkulært vil også være, at de materialer, der benyttes, er rene og bæredygtige, eller at møblet efter endt brug kan blive til materialer, som kan genanvendes flere gange.

Den teknologiske udvikling indenfor materialer (biomaterialer, genanvendelse af materialer uden tab) løber hurtigt, og inden længe vil vi formentlig se de første fuldt cirkulære produkter. Med det fokus, der er på klima, biodiversitet og sundhed, kan virksomheder, som favner de nye muligheder fuldt og helt, opnå et betydeligt kommercielt forspring.

Talks og Guidede ture

I forbindelse med Circular Furniture Days etableres desuden en række relevante ”talks” og engagerende debatter, hvor oplægsholdere og debattører sætter fokus på aktuelle emner målrettet møbel- og interiør-industrien. Her kan man møde og høre om inspirerende first-mover- og disrupter-virksomheder, der kan påpege cirkulære brændpunkter og en vej til løsning af disse, ligesom brands præsenterer sig selv.

Vi afvikler desuden guidede rundture i udstillingen, hvor virksomhederne præsenterer deres produkter.

EVENTS at Circular Furniture Days /Lifestyle & Design Cluster, The Garden Grønnegaarden, at the Design Museum, Bredgade 68, 1260 København

Stemningsbilleder fra Circular Furniture Days 2024

Circular Furniture Days 2024 (3)

I partnerskab med:

Finansieret af:


  • 10.00-15.00: Circular Outdoor Design – VR Experience

    Dive deeper into the possibilities of circular design and outdoor living with our VR experience. Witness how multiple NJORD domes seamlessly connect to create dynamic outdoor spaces. Put on your VR glasses and envision a world where sustainability meets comfort. Engage with our knowledgeable NJORD team who will walk you through the principles behind NJORD domes and the importance of circular design in shaping a more sustainable future.

    Arranged & Facilitated by: NJORD

  • 11.30-12.00: Ecolabelling of furniture – obstacles and opportunities

How to communicate good initiatives in accordance with the green claim’s directive. A conversation between Morten Lind, CEO TENKSOM  & Heidi Bugge, Criteria Manager at Ecolabelling Denmark (Svanemærket).

Moderated by Frederik Thrane, Lifestyle & Design Cluster

  • 12.00-13.00: Guided tour of the exhibition.

    Join the guided tour to meet all the exhibiting brands pitching their circular story.

Sign up here


  • 13.00-15.00: Flower Workshop @SMALLrevolution’s stand

    Join SMALLrevolution and RHODflowers in a flower workshop with Danish flowers, only. Learn about Danish flowers and make cure buquettes from local flowers, only.

  •  14.15-15.15:  Design education of the future

The radical sustainable restructuring of society calls for strong design skills

We are facing a radical green transformation of society. In an international perspective, Denmark is considered a design nation; there is no Danish business promotion without design also being part of the agenda. The transition towards a sustainable society calls for strong design competencies, both analytical, methodological, and in terms of crafting. We need designers who can visualize and shape an attractive sustainable future and translate new technologies into everyday human needs. To maintain Denmark’s position as a design nation in an increasingly knowledge-intensive and high-tech world, it is crucial that we have an internationally competitive graduate education in design. Otherwise, we lose ground, and our design education programs suffer, putting us at risk of losing an important innovative force in the sustainable transformation.

Panel 1:     Testimonial – Sia Hurtigkarl

Panel 2: Mathilde Aggebo (Royal Danish Academy) and Michael McKay (Novo), Josef Peter Helmut Oehmen (DTU)
Martin Delfer (DDC) og Henrik Taudorf Lorensen, Takt

Who is arranging: The Design Council and Lifestyle & Design Cluster

Sign up here

  • 15.30-16.15: From Tradition to Transformation – Craft’s role in circular economy design

    Join the Danish Design Council for an inspiring journey ‘From Tradition to Transformation: Craft’s Role in Circular Economy Design.’ In this enlightening event, we’ll explore how traditional craftsmanship intertwines with modern design practices to shape a more responsible future. With a special focus on materials, we’ll delve into how craft and material sensibility can drive circular economy principles. Engage with leading experts, designers, and artisans as we uncover the pivotal role of craft. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover how the Danish design tradition is paving the way for circular innovation and transformation in design. After the talk we invite to drinks in the garden.

    Panel: Bonnie Hvillum, (Natural Material Studio), Anders Byriel (Kvadrat) and Thomas Lykke (Oeo), Maria Bruun (designer)

    Who is arranging: The Design Council and Lifestyle & Design Cluster

Sign up


  • 8.30 to 9.30: Designing for the Future – How to build the future by design:

(at the café at the Design Museum)

Professor Mariana Mazzucato from the University College London writes on the book Expand: Stretching the Future by Design: “In this book, Jens Martin Skibsted and Christian Bason contend that now is the time to widen the design discourse to take on the grand, complex challenges of tomorrow.” The authors write: “The world is screaming out for new solutions to tackle the myriad problems and mitigate their consequences. This calls for innovation – bold, new approaches that can be adopted by people, businesses, public organizations, NGOs, and even international bodies.


Jens Martin Skibsted (Manyone), Ditte Lysgaard Vind (Bloxhub)

Moderating all talks: Marie-Louise Høstbo

Who is arranging: The Design Council, The Design Museum and Lifestyle & Design Cluster

Sign up here

  • 10.00-15.00: Circular outdoor design – VR experience

    Dive deeper into the possibilities of circular design and outdoor living with our VR experience. Witness how multiple NJORD domes seamlessly connect to create dynamic outdoor spaces. Put on your VR glasses and envision a world where sustainability meets comfort. Engage with our knowledgeable NJORD team who will walk you through the principles behind NJORD domes and the importance of circular design in shaping a more sustainable future.

    Arranged & Facilitated by: NJORD

  • 11.00 to 12.00: Green transition vs. sensitivity: The transversal work in the furniture industry

    We’re facing a central conflict between green transition and business sensitivity. On the one hand, there’s increasing pressure on companies in the furniture industry to reduce their environmental impact and conduct their business more responsibly. On the other hand, companies face challenges in sharing sensitive data with their customers and potential competitors.

    But recognizing the need to make progress in green transition, there’s a growing understanding that this information sharing is crucial. Join us for an insightful discussion on navigating the delicate balance between green transition and business sensitivity in the furniture industry!
    Discover how companies like TAKT are addressing the central conflict by working with Målbar and Bureau Veritas on finding actionable solutions in their work with the green transition.

    Who is arranging: TAKT, Målbar, Bureau Veritas facilitated by Lifestyle & Design Cluster

Sign up here

  • 12.00-12.45: Circular Design: Learning from Nature

    Biology is a master at creating super-optimized structures. NJORD’s domes are inspired by naturally occurring geometries and morphologies. Part of the design-trio behind the NJORD dome explains how we can borrow natures principles to design material-economic, strong, and beautiful structures.

    Anne Romme, architect MAA, Ph.D., lecturer at the Royal Academy and co-designer of NJORD’s dome.
    Ion Sørvin, artist from the Royal Academy, founder of the renowned and award-winning avant-garde art group n55 and co-designer of NJORD`s dome, which is an element in the exhibition.


  • 13.00-14.00: Guided tour of the exhibition.

    Join the guided tour to meet all the exhibiting brands pitching their circular story.

Sign up here


  •  13.00-15.00: Flower Workshop @SMALLrevolution’s stand

    Join SMALLrevolution and RHODflowers in a flower workshop with Danish flowers, only. Learn about Danish flowers and make cure buquettes from local flowers, only.


  • 14.00-14.30: Design Talk: SMALLrevolution: A new Era with Recycled plastic

    In Denmark, renowned for its impressive wooden furniture, choosing plastic—especially recycled plastic—for furniture requires courage and vision. At this event, the founder behind SMALLrevolution, Arendse Ekegreen Baggesen, known for innovative stools made from recycled plastic, will share their journey and experiences with plastic materials. Participants will gain insights into how successful design results from a holistic view of using plastic waste as a valuable resource and the importance of collaboration across the value chain. This is a unique opportunity to see how innovative thinking and sustainability can coexist in modern design.

    Panel: Arendse Ekegreen Baggesen, Founder, SMALLrevolution in a dialougue with The Danish Plastics Federation.

  • 14.30: Plastic Design Student Award 2024

    Welcome to the Plastic Design Student Award 2024 ceremony, where we honor innovative students from the nation’s creative education programs. Plastindustrien has called for projects that showcase outstanding design using plastic materials. During this event, a winner will be selected and awarded DKK 20,000 in recognition of their exceptional work. The ceremony will take place in the beautiful garden of Designmuseum Denmark and will include inspiring talks, a tour of the Plastic Pavilion, and networking drinks with industry professionals. This event celebrates creativity and sustainability in plastic design, providing a platform to discuss plastic’s role in circular design.

    Arranged and facilitated by The Danish Plastics Federation

  • 15.00-16.00: Unveiling Strategies to Accelerate Circularity in the Lifestyle Industry

    We have assembled a group of circular transition pioneers in Denmark to delve into recommendations for accelerating circularity within the lifestyle industry to follow up on interventions for the Lifestyle industry in the Circularity Gap Report for Denmark. During a round table event, 40 industry leaders engaged in discussions about urgent measures to expedite the transition. In our discussion, we will elaborate on some of these measures and explore their possibilities and implementation timeframes for an ambitious circular strategy. Come and join the discussion.

    Panel: Sustainability Manager, Morten Lund Petersen (Fritz Hansen), Co-Founder Kristine Rønde (KEEPR), Head of ESG Helle Rex (Carl Hansen & Søn), CEO Solveig Søndergaard (SheWorks)

    Facilitator Frederik Thrane, Lifestyle & Design Cluster

Sign up here


  • 10.00-15.00: Circular outdoor design – VR experience

    Dive deeper into the possibilities of circular design and outdoor living with our VR experience. Witness how multiple NJORD domes seamlessly connect to create dynamic outdoor spaces. Put on your VR glasses and envision a world where sustainability meets comfort. Engage with our knowledgeable NJORD team who will walk you through the principles behind NJORD domes and the importance of circular design in shaping a more sustainable future.

    Arranged & Facilitated by: NJORD

  • 11.00-12.00: Circularity – How to make it work.

The holistic perspective of business models, materials, manufacturing, technology, and scale.

The Danish Circularity Gap report found that Denmark is only 4% circular. The very low number points to the vast number of challenges we face in the transition to circularity.  Most aspects of our current patterns and processes need rethinking to get there.

In this conversation we will talk with three innovative companies that work with upcycling and material innovation, manufacturing and product development and service and logistics solutions with a high level of technology implementation in most steps. The three companies work with circularity as their foundation – and are gaining scale and traction with their solutions.


Chief Sales Officer Jesper Wøldike Brandt (a:gain), CEO Anders Jepsen (Nornorm) Founder Jarl Engelbrecht Vindnæs (Stykka). Moderator: Frederik Thrane, Lifestyle & Design Cluster.

Sign up here

  • 12.00-12.45: An honest conversation about designing for circularity

There are many considerations and challenges when designing for circularity – materials, production, design and much more. Join this honest discussion with Kvik’s design team and invited special guests where we will dive into the world of circularity – and how to navigate it.Director of Category Management and Design, Claus Johnsen and Product Manager Christian Milán (both Kvik)

  • 13.00-14.00: Guided tour of the exhibition

    Join the guided tour to meet all the exhibiting brands pitching their circular story.

Sign up here

13.00-13.45 Create a sustainable Future – The Role of the Furniture Industry in preserving biodiversity

In this talk WWF explores the crucial role that the furniture industry can play in preserving biodiversity. By integrating biodiversity conservation into business practices, the furniture industry can not only contribute to the preservation of nature but also build a positive reputation and differentiate itself in the market.

Speaker: Sofie Tind Nielsen, Lead Conservation Specialist, WWF (World Wildlife Fund)

Arranged by: Circular Furniture Network



Fredericia Furniture






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Tidligere års udstillinger:


Circular Furniture Days 2023 blev afholdt d. 7.-9. juni i Designmuseum Danmarks have.

Læs mere om Circular Furniture Days 2023 her.


Circular Furniture Days 2022 blev afholdt d. 15. -17. juni i Lifestyle lab, Designmuseum Danmark.

Læs mere om Circular Furniture Days 2022 her.


Circular Furniture Days 2021 blev afholdt d. 16.-18. september på Designmuseum Danmark.

Læs mere om Circular Furniture Days 2021 her.


Circular Furniture Days 2020 blev afholdt d. 3.-5. september i Pakhus 11.

Læs mere om Circular Furniture Days 2020 her.


Maria Hørmann
Projektleder, cirkulær økonomi
Mobil: 40354043


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Lifestyle Lab CPH
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