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3daysofdesign – Circular Furniture and Interior Design

Lifestyle & Design Cluster will host the exhibition “Circular furniture and interior design” during 3daysofdesign September 03 to 05, 2020. The exhibition raises the following question: How can Danish design go hand in hand with the challenge we face regarding the climate and scare resources? The exhibition will showcase 27 different brands as well as upcoming designers and artists working with circular furniture design.

Watch Design Talks here:

Stemningsvideo fra 3daysofdesign 2020

Products made with a circular mindset

In contrast to the ‘take-make-waste’ linear model, a circular economy is regenerative by design and aims to gradually decouple growth from the consumption of finite resources.

In the future, the linear model should be replaced with a circular business model, where materials can be reused continuously.

The circular economy is becoming an increasingly competitive parameter for organizations within the furniture industry. Therefore, the exhibition seeks to support the brands who work in a circular manner and to draw more attention to new techniques, technologies, materials, certifications, and business models.


“We want Denmark to be world-famous in the future for not only good design but also stainable, green design and circular solutions”

– Betina Simonsen, CEO, Lifestyle & Design Cluster

The circular front runners

Many Danish brands are currently investing in and working with circular business models in one or more product lines. Lifestyle & Design Cluster wants to endorse this development and make it a business potential for the Danish brands that they have invested in green conversion to great inspiration for home and abroad.

In addition to the 25 selected brands, a group of artists and designers will showcase their take on the matter using deadstock materials in designing high value products.

All the exhibitors are working with circular economy and/or sustainability in one way or another. As you will discover, it is a big and rather diverse world, that both include sustainable business plans, reused materials, and products made of things you couldn’t imagine being used in that way. That’s the beauty of circular economy. And it’s already creating the furniture and interior design of tomorrow.

Maria Hørmann
Projektleder, Cirkulær Økonomi

Mobil: 5382 4311

Mail: mah@ldcluster.com


In connection to the exhibition itself, several events will take place in adjoining rooms:

Thursday September 3rd:     

  • 10 AM – 5 PM: Exhibition is open (Pakhuset 11)
  • 1 PM – 3 PM: Speakers Circle (Pakhuset)

The brands from the exhibition speak about their products, the circular elements and the thoughts behind. In English

Sign up here


Friday September 4th:        

  • 10 AM – 5 PM: Exhibition is open (Pakhuset)
  • 10 AM – 12 PM: Certifications (Smedjen)

En paneldebat om certificeringers betydning for den cirkulære økonomi med kig i krystalkuglen for at se hvilke behov fremtiden stiller. Et stærkt panel med forgangspersoner inden for den grønne omstilling, vil bl.a. diskutere disse områder:

  • Hvad betyder en certificering og hvad kan den?
  • Hvad er forskellen på Blomsten, Svanen, B-Corp og Cradle to Cradle
  • Med de nye vinde omkring fokus på reduktion af CO2, Klimaplan, affaldsplaner, grønne investeringer – hvordan påvirker det jer som brand og certificering?
  • Er det en jungle for forbrugerne? Hvad kan vi gøre for at sikre større gennemsigtighed?
  • Lidt om fremtiden….

Tilmeld dig her

  • 1 PM – 3 PM: Circular Business Models (Smedjen)

Cirkulær Økonomi er ved at være et “license to operate” og flere og flere danske møbel og interiørvirksomheder arbejder i dag seriøst med denne omstilling.

Vi glæder os til en god snak og diskussion af de seneste tendenser indenfor cirkulær økonomi. En af drivkræfterne er efterspørgsel og her har offentlig indkøb en central rolle. Kom og hør et stærkt panel fra forskellige dele af værdikæden og deres betragtninger indenfor følgende emner:

  • Kort intro af paneldeltagere og hvorfor arbejder I med cirkulær økonomi
  • Kan der findes tjenes penge på den grønne omstilling – er det en langsigtet strategi og hvad betyder den 3xdobbelt bundlinje for paneldeltagerne?
  • Hvilke tendenser ses i markedet omkring efterspørgsel for cirkulære produkter?
  • Aarhus Kommune fortæller lidt om processen og begrundelsen for deres seneste cirkulært udbud
  • Slutlig et fremtidsperspektiv for den cirkulære omstilling

Tilmeld dig her

  • 2.45 PM – 3.30 PM: Press Tour (Pakhus 11)


Saturday September 5th:     

  • 10 AM – 2 PM: Exhibition is open (Pakhuset 11)


Birk Centerpark 38
7400 Herning
Tlf.: +45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
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Headstart Fashion HOUSE
Mindet 4
8000 Aarhus C
Tlf.: +45 2420 7207
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
Kontor i BLOXHUB
Frederiksholms Kanal 30 A5, 1. sal
1220 København K
Tlf.:+45 9616 6200
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com
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Lifestyle Lab CPH
Bredgade 66
1260 København
Tlf.: +45 2276 7990
E-mail: info@ldcluster.com

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